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School/ Hospital of Stomatology Lanzhou University Carried Out 2019 Freshman First Aid Knowledge And Dormitory Fire Training

发布时间:2019-11-16   字体大小T|T

In order to cultivate the basic first-aid skills that contemporary medical students should have, the Red Cross Society and life department of Lanzhou University School of Stomatology held first-aid knowledge and fire protection for 2019 undergraduates in Tianshan Hall at 2:30 pm on October 26. 

Safety training were divided into two parts. First, the students of the Red Cross explained in detail the emergency treatment methods for common accidents such as burns, ankle sprains, electric shocks and suffocation. Later, they explained the steps of cardiopulmonary resuscitation for us. They also invited several students to come to the stage to experience the specific process of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Everyone enthusiastically and actively participated in it. Next, the students of the Red Cross showed the bandage wrapped methods when the injured parts were different, and did a live demonstration and training. In the interval of trainings, they prepared the first-aid knowledge question and answer session, and each of the students who answered the questions correctly received a small gift. After the Q&A session, the Red Cross students divided all the students into several groups at random and distributed bandages to each group, letting everyone experience the process of wrapping the bandages and helping the students at the 19th grade to deepen their memory.

After each group completed their own dressing, the student life department of student union explained how the dormitory prevented fires and how to escape after the fire broke out. They also explained function and use of raw fire extinguishers. After the fire knowledge was explained, the training officially ended.

Although the training time was short, everyone benefited a lot. Through this training, the students of 19th not only learned about the fire protection knowledge of the dormitory, but also had a preliminary exploration of the first-aid operation in the face of various emergencies. We believe in the future of the university, through the relentlessness of everyone’s efforts can make us grow into a qualified health care worker, striving for the first ideal, and protect the health of the people.